Press releases
Electricity market design of the future must also integrate controllable renewable energies
Press Release Hauptstadtbüro Bioenergie
Solar package brings improvements for biomass, but does not stop decommissioning of the German biogas sector
Press Release Hauptstadtbüro Bioenergie
Decommissioning of the German gas grid: Ministry of Economic Affairs ignores major biomethane potential to achieve German climate targets
The consultation period for the Green Paper on the transformation of the German gas distribution grid ends today. The strategy paper from the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action envisages the extensive decommissioning of the gas distribution network and a partial conversion of the network from methane to hydrogen. The chances of switching from fossil methane to renewable methane are practically not considered.
Decentralised biogas plants instead of new gas-fired power plants Biogas sector offers 12 GW of capacity and calls for prospects
Existing biogas plants can make the construction of new gas-fired power plants superfluous. This saves time and money, brings added value to the regions, heat to the municipalities and is also climate-friendly. Nevertheless, the word "biogas" is nowhere to be found in the German government's power plant strategy.
Bioenergy Debate in the Federal Council: Bavarian motion rightly calls for urgently needed adjustments to the EEG
A motion by the Bavarian state government to make greater use of bioenergy to achieve climate protection targets is being discussed in the Federal Council of Germany recently. Primarily the motion focuses on proposed amendments to the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG), which are intended to preserve and utilize the potential of bioenergy and adapt it to the needs of the future. Another motion submitted by Schleswig-Holstein shares the demands and focuses explicitly on improvements for biogas and biomethane.
German Biogas Association and the Bioenergy Association of Ukraine launch partnership project to promote sustainable biogas technology
The German Biogas Association (GBA) is pleased to announce a new Chamber and Association Partnership project (KVP) with the Bioenergy Association of Ukraine (UABIO). The project, which commenced on December and has a duration of three years, aims to promote the development and implementation of sustainable biogas technologies in Ukraine, opening new perspectives for German biogas companies.
Reform of the German Buildings Energy Act (Gebäudeenergiegesetz, GEG)
Energy policy is the big topic in the media and in the general public
EU study: Monetary value of biogas goes far beyond pure energy value
The added value of biogas or biomethane is far more than that of the kilowatt hour of gas, electricity or heat produced. This is the conclusion of a study of the European Biogas Association (EBA). Environmental effects play an important role here: the avoidance of greenhouse gases, the provision of fertiliser and in the long term, the generation of biogenic CO2.
BIP - Biomethane Industrial Partnership
Teaming up to achieve 35 bcm of sustainable biomethane by 2030
New Chamber and Association Partnership Project (KVP) of German Biogas Association in Serbia
The partnership between the German Biogas Association (GBA) and Serbian Biogas association (SBA) will start at the beginning of October. Both sides speak of great energy potential and expect new perspectives for German biogas companies.
German Biogas Association expands its portfolio - Chamber and Association Partnership Project now also in Uganda
The partnership between the German and Ugandan biogas associations will start at the beginning of this month. Both sides speak of great energy potential and expect new perspectives for German biogas companies.
Biogas Convention 2018 – Great potential and huge challenges
+++ International Biogas Convention from 14 – 16 Nov. 2018 in Hanover +++ Restructuring acitvities in the home country of biogas utilisation +++ Europe is catching up +++
Flexible, reliable, future-oriented
Programme and online registration for the 28th BIOGAS Convention are now available
German biogas market falling well short of its potential
+++ Marginal growth 2017 +++ Legal hurdles ever increasing +++ Next bidding round for biomass soon approaching +++
German Biogas Association goes worldwide
+++ Global interest in biogas is growing +++ Enquiries about consultancy services from lots of different countries +++ Association supports better framework conditions for development of biogas use +++